The delivery controller is responsible for the clearance of all departing IFR flights.
The delivery controller shall assign the correct SID using DelHel and check the following parameters in the pilots' flight plans:
ALV: The initial climb clearance in LIPZ is 4000 ft for all SIDs
PDC: PDC is not available in LIPZ
The only runway available in normal operations is 04R / 22L
Runway 04R is the preferred runway for takeoffs and landings and is used with up to 10 kts of tailwind
LIPZ airport can become saturated very quickly, especially on the ground.
The delivery controller is in charge of issuing the appropriate delays to the aircraft requesting pushback to prevent saturation of the ground controller.
The use of vA-CDM to issue TSATs is strongly recommended in high traffic situations. [Refer to the VATITA vACDM guide]
Refer to the following tables for the correct assignment of SIDs, departures marked as non-rnav shall be assigned only to non-rnav capable aircraft.