vACDM is a EuroScope plugin designed to replicate ACDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making). vACDM aims at improving the efficiency of an airport and improve the predictability of traffic. This is achieved through time milestones such as TOBT, TSAT, TTOT and CTOT, which create a well-defined sequence of startups and takeoffs, taking into account the EOBT filed in the flightplan, traffic load of the airport, capacity of the runways, taxi-times and much more.
To check which italian airports support the use of vACDM on VATSIM you can use this map.
EOBT Estimated off-block time: The estimated time that an aircraft will start movement (time filed in flight plan)
TOBT Target off-block time: A more accurate and updated time than EOBT, usually set by the pilot but can be set by the controller as well
TSAT Target startup approval time: The time provided by ATC taking into account TOBT, CTOT and/or the traffic situation that an aircraft can expect start up/push back approval
ASRT Actual startup request time: Time where the outbound is fully ready and requested startup
EXOT Estimated taxi-out time: Taxitime from the position to the assigned runway, including pushback
TTOT Target take-off time: The target take off time taking into account the TOBT/TSAT plus the EXOT
CTOT Calculated take-off time: The time calculated and issued by the appropriate Central Management unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to become airborne (Used during slotted events)
To start using vACDM you first need to log on and set the correct runway in use and enable the “startup list”. To do so at the top EuroScope toolbar go to QUICK SET -> SHOW STARTUP LIST
It is recommended to also click on “TSAT” to have the list ordered by TSAT.
Below is also a list of the commands of the startup list:
To activate vACDM type .vacdm master in the ES chat
This command is generally used by the controller managing vACDM (usually the Delivery controller or designated positions like LIMC_O_DEL). All other users should type .vacdm slave
The times displayed in the Startup list use different color codes to indicate the status of the milestone.
ITY97 TSAT is expired
ITY9926 has filed his EOBT as 1520
WMT601 has been approved for pushback and startup
KLM1608 has set and confirmed his TOBT as 1527
ETH37G has set and confirmed his TOBT as 1529
RYR70HC has filed his EOBT as 1530
ETH37G has requested startup
It is not required to confirm the TOBT before approving pushback
If you choose to edit the TOBT the TSAT may change and be delayed
As the controller managing vACDM you may be presented with the following situations when pilots request startup / pushback:
This will result in two possibile scenarios:
Be aware, in case of turnarounds vACDM does not show the traffic in the lists. To solve this, select any status in the STS column.
Aircraft calls for startup and his TSAT is dark green:
Malpensa Operations, EJU49T ready for startup
EJU49T, Malpensa Operations, for startup contact ground on 121.900
Aircraft calls for startup and his TSAT is light green:
Malpensa Operations, SSR56MB ready for start
SSR56MB, Malpensa Operations, TSAT 1540
SSR56MB, Malpensa Operations, expect startup at 1540
In case the TSAT is green but delay is needed (due to departures not flowing as expected)
Venezia Delivery, EWG6PM request push and start
EWG6PM, Venezia Delivery, expect startup at TSAT + 5