Linate Delivery is responsible for the issuing of ATC clearances to all departing aircraft.
ALV: Initial climb varies based on ICP and TSE, refer to the table below for correct assignment (due to plugin limitations DelHel does not always assign the correct initial altitude)
PDC: PDC is not available in LIML
Runway 35 is preferential with up to 7KT of tailwind component.
Milano Linate is fully implemented with the vA-CDM system. It is the responsibility of Linate Delivery to issue the appropriate delays to departing aircraft according to the current traffic situation.
In case Linate Delivery is not operative, its vA-CDM duties are taken over by Linate Ground.
The use of vA-CDM to issue TSATs is strongly recommended in high traffic situations. [Refer to the VATITA vACDM guide]
Refer to the following tables for the correct assignment of ICPs and TSEs, departures marked as non-rnav are the standard in LIML.
The tables below only include ICPs relative to the first enroute fix, without the applicable TSEs. The TSEs will be assigned by DelHel according to the ICP.
The tables below only include ICPs relative to the first enroute fix, without the applicable TSEs. The TSEs will be assigned by DelHel according to the ICP.