Malpensa Planning is the equivalent of the delivery controller of most airports, it handles the delivery of IFR clearances to departing aircraft.
The delivery controller shall assign the correct SID and transition using DelHel (left click for medium aircraft - right click for heavies) and check the following parameters in the pilots’ flight plans:
ALV: The initial climb clearance in LIMC can be 4000ft, 5000ft or 6000ft depending on ACFT type and ICP.
You can use this as a general rule of thumb:
-35R in use: M-H ACFT 5000 ft, L ACFT 4000 ft
-35L in use: M ACFT 5000 ft, H ACFT 6000 ft
For accurate assignment always follow the ICP table below.
PDC: PDC is available in Malpensa, logon code is [LIMC] and it shall always be mentioned in the controller’s info line when it is in use.
The Delivery controller is also in charge of making the correct handoffs to the appropriate ground controller. In case both Ground positions are online ensure you are familiar with their AoR to assign the correct frequency to departing aircraft.
The following table shall be used to determine which runway is in use:
Single runway operations are heavily discouraged but may be carried out on runway 35L
Between 2330 LT and 0630 LT the reccomended runway configuration is 17R for departures and 35L for arrivals unless high traffic does not permit it.
Refer to the following tables for the correct assignment of SIDs, departures marked as non-rnav shall be assigned only to non-rnav capable aircraft.
Omnidirectional departures may only be assigned after coordination with Milano Radar (ANW) and are intended in case of bad weather in lieu of the standard noise abatement ICPs.
Pilots who have been cleared for an omnidirectional departure are expected to report to TWR their intended maneuver after reaching the turning altitude. In LIMC, turning altitude for both RWY35L/R is 1300ft if the interested ACFT is able, otherwise 3000 ft.
In case Malpensa Operations is online managing vACDM, Planning will hand over the aircraft as soon as the pilot has read back the clearance correctly.
Wizzair 17KD, Malpensa Planning, readback correct, contact Operations with callsign only on 131.880.
Malpensa Operations is the facility managing vACDM in LIMC. It manages all the aspects regarding vACDM and serves a vital role, especially in busy events, in ensuring an orderly flow of pushbacks and startups.
Malpensa Operations can not give out startup clearances. For startup/push and start, aircraft shall be transfered to GND.
In case LIMC_O_DEL is offline, its duties are taken over by LIMC_DEL.
Ensure you are familiar with A-CDM procedures before staffing Malpensa Operations, the guide can be found here