Roma ACC Operating Manual contains:
The terminology and abbreviations used in the document conform to those used in the VATITA ATC Training Manual; those not conforming can be found below:
The vertical structure of the ACC Rome Sectors consists of 7 blocks for all stations with the following subdivision:
In all sectorization configurations, MEL represents the lower vertical limit of controlled airspace. Please remember that when providing top down and Position LIRR_I_CTR is closed, the lower vertical limit of the ACC Rome operating sectors extends to ground level (SFC).
The term ‘Module’/ ’logical volume’ refers to a portion of airspace of defined dimensions belonging to an operating sector.
The term ‘Operating / active sector’ means a portion of a control area and/or part of a region or higher flight information region formed by the aggregation of multiple modules within which ATS services are provided. The Active Sector consists of multiple modules and their different combinations represent the area of responsibility.
Each module’s name is composed of its horizontal area and its vertical AoR, for example:
Aggregation of multiple modules will form the operating sector, some modules are aggregated in one or more operating sectors by default. Here is an example:
You log on on VATSIM as the operating sector LIRR_NE1_CTR, if no other ATC stations are online, this would result in you covering modules NE1 through 7, OV1 through 7, TS 1 through 7, US1 through 7 and all other modules that will be highlighted in the following paragraphs.
Now let’s say operating sector LIRR_TS1_CTR logs on, your operating sector LIRR_NE1_CTR will change and modules TS1 through 7 and all other modules depending on the configuration (as prescribed in the configuration list) will be assigned to operating sector LIRR_TS1_CTR.
An operating sector always has a callsign on the VATSIM Network, a module only represents a portion of airspace and is used for coordination and for internal purposes.
For the purpose of accessibility and training, Roma ACC has been divided into 3 groups:
ARR DEP sectors for LIRN and LIRI are included in group A (US0, US1), ARR DEP Sectors for LIEO/LIEA/LICA/LIBC included in group B (EW0, ES1/ES0)
When a C1 trainee first begins training he/she will be assigned to either GROUP A or GROUP B depending on the vACC’s needs and the trainees preference.
GROUP C is used for endorsements and for ease of access to the SOP, S3 Trainees will not be trained on the modules of GROUP C.
The use of operational standards does not exempt the ATC from applying the general rules and procedures that regulate air traffic control.
All the provisions and operational recommendations regarding the individual sectors have been called ‘Operational Standards and Recommendations’.
These Standards have the value of operational provisions and must be strictly followed by ATCs unless otherwise explicitly coordinated.
The Operational Recommendations should be considered operational guidelines for ATCOs in carrying out their duties.
Silent transfer of control between adjacent control positions occurs by selecting the “Transfer/ transfer & release” command and is completed with the activation of the “Assume” command by the accepting ATC. The transfer of control of an aircraft must be carried out by the transferring controller in the vicinity of the appropriate boundary and, in any case, before the aircraft leaves its area of jurisdiction, unless otherwise specified in the Operational Standards.
The transfer of control / contact between the LOW - UPPER operating sectors and v.v. of ACC Rome will occur upon activation of the TRF & REL / TRF / ASS functions. If the aircraft is still within the module of the transferring sector, it will be released in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraph.
The operating methods with which the transfer will occur will be the following:
Usually in the case of descending flights, the UPPER sector will instruct the aircraft to the lowest level corresponding to the lower vertical limit of its sector before activating the TRF / TRF & REL function;
Usually in the case of climbing flights the LOWER sector will instruct the aircraft to the highest level corresponding to the upper vertical limit of its sector before activating the TRF / TRF & REL function.
Note: This procedure does not apply to modules TW1 / AET / AEM / AWL.
The transferring ATC, if necessary to resolve conflicts within its sector, may request and coordinate with the accepting ATC a temporary level delegation for the flight subject to the transfer of control.
Transfer of Control / Communication will start when the TRF & RLS / TRF Function is activated and the traffic will be considered released:
Transfer of traffic must never be carried out beyond the common sector boundary.
The transfer of control between sectors of Rome ACC occurs silently, without verbal exchange, as long as the minimum distance between consecutive aircraft during the transfer of control is never less than the minimum separation requirements; the coordinated level must be reached at least 5NM before the common boundary.
The minimum radar separation of 3NM, where approved, is applied between consecutive aircraft undergoing radar control transfer between arrival sectors, excluding transfers between TW1 and AET.
Exceptions are reported, if necessary, in specific paragraphs of the Operating Standards.
If traffic is instructed to follow a vector or route different from the planned one, specific coordination must be carried out with all involved sectors, unless otherwise specified in the Operational Standards.
Any event or activity that may affect the validity of the transfer levels/routings as per the Operational Standards must be specifically coordinated.
Speed instructions that differ from the published ones must also be coordinated with the relevant sectors.
With the exception of coordination between low-upper sectors, coordination must always be completed before the aircraft is less than 15NM from the common sector boundary.
Below are the Operational Standards that apply to the entire area of jurisdiction of Rome ACC:
In the case of the unification of two or more sectors/modules, the newly created sector will assume responsibility for the jurisdictional area, tasks and Operational Standards of the absorbed sectors/modules, unless otherwise specified in the SOP.
Whenever specific altitudes are indicated, the traffic must be levelled off as specified, it will always be noted whether the traffic is to be transferred while climbing or descending.
The transfer of traffic at certain levels, where specifically indicated, are to be considered a Silent procedure unless prior coordination is required.
Descent profiles must be compatible with other aircraft and with the published FLAs, where necessary, it is the responsibility of the controller/flow manager/supervisor to establish alternative descent profiles for tactical reasons. In case of an upper sector working with a lower sector, it is reccomended for the upper sector to clear the traffic for descent before the estimated TOD in order to account for time lost during frequency changes or congested frequencies.
To connect as one of the upper sectors, the corresponding lower sector must be connected as well.
US-NE sector Protection Line:
Line coinciding with the LoR border between the NE and US sectors.
All aircraft (with the exception of traffic departing/arriving Roma Group) must be transferred at level to the the adjacent sector at least 10 NM before the protection line unless specifcally stated coordination between the sectors involved has occurred.
Sector WE can also be assigned to NE
Example of coordination where NE1 is covering NN1 through 7 and NE1 through 7
LIRR_NW1_CTR: “I have a lot of traffic via ELKAP, could you please cover WE 1 through 7?”
LIRR_NE1_CTR: “Yes, no problem, I’ll inform Milano”
US-NE sector Protection Line:
Line coinciding with the LoR border between the NE and US sectors.
All ACFT (with the exception of traffic departing/arriving Roma Group) must be transferred at level to the proposed to the adjacent sector at least 10 NM before the protection line unless specifically stated or coordinated.
Operational Recommendation
When needed, US tactically coordinates with TS directs to LAT and suitable level of transfer.
The ERIKA and ALAXI flows are considered one-axis on the TEA (RWY06) PAZUB (RWY24) merge. In other words spacing shall be provided on the merge point.
- Provide distance to T.D. (Track Miles) ASAP
- Transfer the aircraft to the next sector as soon as possible and in any case free from any conflicting traffic
- Ensure a correct fight profile and optimal speed management in order to avoid UNSTABLE APPROACH.
- In case of RWY06 in use for departures and RWY24 for arrivals, all inbounds will be cleared to BENTO fix limit at different altitudes
- In the case of VFR RWY 06 take-off with runway in use for RWY24 arrivals, all inbounds will be cleared for the approach procedure in compliance with the planned spacing (18NM).
The DEP Sector is composed of the modules PN1 and PS1 which can be merged together to meet the demand for traffic departing from LIRF / LIRA.
Therefore, the PN1 and PS1 Sectors, depending on current or expected traffic, can be opened or unified.
If unified, the main departure sector will be PN1, keep in mind that in case of abscensce of DEP, TW1 will be the master sector. Although PS1 and PN1 are departure sectors, they also sequence inbounds via a few arrivals.
Aircraft with destination LIRF depending on the runways will be cleared as follows:
RUNWAY 16 L/R: VALMA3A / ESINO 3A arrival, handoff to the next sector at FL100* and consecutive even levels
The aircraft must be cleared in such a way as to allow the overfight of BITNI point at FL110 or less.
Aircraft can be cleared to the 3B arrival if request by TN COO
In case of FL120 assignment, PN1 will have to consider any traffic on the STAR LAT / MOPUV 3B.
RUNWAY 34 L/R: VALMA3C / ESINO 3C arrival, handoff to the next sector at 5000ft and consecutive free altitudes
Aircraft can be cleared to the 3D arrival if request by TS COO
Is responsible for the operational management for the airspace under its responsibility of traffic with destination LIRA / LIRU / LIRE on the STAR VALMA 4F / VALMA 4G / VALMA 3H.
In case of RWY34 for departures PN1 will initially manage every departing traffic, transferring to PS1 traffic on the SIDs via SOSAK and EKLOS when crossing the RDL267 OST VOR, climbing to 4000ft, or as otherwise agreed.
Manages aircraft making missed approach RWY 16R / 34L / 25 as follows:
The aircraft will follow the assigned missed approach path and following coordination between DEP PIA and TN COO:
The aircraft will follow the assigned missed approach path and following coordination between DEP PIA and TN COO:
The aircraft will follow the route of the assigned missed approach and following coordination between DEP PIA and TN COO:
Responsible for the operational management of aircraft departing from LIRF on the following Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs):
Transfers traffic on descent for 5000ft/220 Kts or further cleared altitudes to AEM (AWL in the case of IPA) along the following Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs):
When requested by TN COO / ARR COO, based on the current situation, ensures spacing of no less than 9NM.
Receives from AET the aircraft along STARs LAT 3D / MOPUV 3D at the RF463 point, descending to FL90/230 Kts with spacing of no less than 6NM (or different as requested by AR COO).
Responsible for the operational management of the designated airspace for traffic inbound to LIRF along the following STARs / DCT routes:
In the case of RWY 16 for departures, PS1 is initially responsible for all departing traffic, then transfers traffic on SIDs via XENOL, NENIG, and SOSIV to PN1 once they cross radial 267 OST VOR, climbing to 4000ft or as otherwise coordinated.
for LIRF departures via SOVAN, TIBER, SIPRO the published speeds will normally be mantained.
Based on the runway in use for arrivals at LIRF, the following procedures will apply:
Arrivals for RWY 16:
PS1 is responsible for managing traffic on SIDs via RATIR that proceeds via RIFFI.
Altitudes up to FL80 (or 6000 feet if QNH is below 977 hPa) within the area bounded by ROM VOR – RATIR – OST VOR – ROM VOR are available for DEP sector to use for RWY 15 departures from LIRA on SIDs OST 5W / 7Z, PEMAR 5W / 7Z, OKUNO 5W / 7Z, and RATIR 5W / 7Z.
Arrivals for RWY 25:
DEP PIA will instruct Ciampino Tower to transfer traffic based on the assigned SID as follows:
SID RATIR 5W / 7Z to PS1, which will then transfer the traffic to PN1 / TS1 / US2 / OV1 as coordinated by DEP COO;
PEMAR 5W / 7Z and OKUNO 5W / 7Z to AET, which will transfer the traffic to US2 for climb to FL140.
Arrivals for RWY 34:
Altitudes up to FL80 (or 6000 feet if QNH is below 977 hPa) within the area defined by the points:
are available to PN1 for departures via SOSIV, NENIG, and XENOL when RWY 34 is in use for arrivals at Fiumicino.
Departing traffic on SIDs OST 5X / 7Y and OST 8E will be transferred by AEM or AET to the appropriate DEP sector for climb to FL80 (or 6000 feet if QNH is below 977 hPa).
Departures from LIRF on the SID via SOVAN will be cleared to FL80 (or 6000 feet if QNH is below 977 hPa) unless otherwise coordinated, and transferred to TW1, which may allow further climb only once the aircraft has entered the lateral boundaries of its own sector.
PS1 will transfer traffic to PN1 on the STARs ESINO 3A / 3B / 3D / 3P / 2T or DCT ESINO-LUNAK-TAQ after leaving ESINO, at the level coordinated by DEP COO.
PS1 will transfer traffic to PN1 on the STAR RIFFI 3B upon crossing radial 217 OST, at the level coordinated by DEP COO.
PN1 will transfer to PS1, at the level coordinated by DEP COO, traffic arriving on the following STARs:
PS1 will transfer arriving traffic, handed over from PN1 / AET, to AEM / AWL
The TNR Sector comprises the modules TW1 and AET, which can be merged as needed to accommodate inbound traffic at LIRF and LIRA. Depending on current or anticipated traffic and the runway configuration in use at LIRF, Sectors TW1 and AET can be opened individually or combined. In the latter case, the TW1 sector is the master one.
Sector AET is made of 2 modules that are always unified:
Modes of Operation:
The default mode of operation for LIRF is that of DPA, IPA can only be applied if sectors AWL and AEM are both open at the same time.
Manages sequencing of inbound traffic at the AADDs of the Rome CTR, following the procedures described below:
Manages traffic from GOPOL and RITEB entering the East Trombone, transferring it:
Receives arrivals unless otherwise coordinated by TN COO at the FIX LIMITs LAT / TAQ / CMP; builds the exit sequence from the FIX, instructing arrivals to contact the AEM sector as coordinated by TN COO/AR COO in a timely manner to allow clearance for the instrument approach procedure, either independently or via radar vectoring.
In this configuration, manages arrivals for LIRA and LIRF in such a way as to preferably assign lower altitudes to inbound traffic for LIRA, allowing AEM to manage inbound aircraft as a single sequence.
Manages departures on via SOVAN transferred from PN1.
Transfers traffic to Pratica APP for LIRE according to the terms agreed upon with TN COO.
Assumes AET responsibilities in the event of sector unification.
Manages sequencing of inbound traffic at the AADDs of the Rome CTR, following the procedures described below:
The altitudes up to FL80 (6000 ft if QNH is below 977 hPa) in the area between the points RMC VOR – RATIR – OST VOR – RMC VOR are available for the DEP sector if there are deps out of RWY15 from LIRA on SID OST 5W / 7Z, PEMAR 5W / 7Z, OKUNO 5W / 7Z, and RATIR 5W / 7Z.
Receives traffic from PN1 along STARs VALMA 3B and ESINO 3B, descending to FL COO/230 Kts with a minimum spacing of 6 NM.
Receives traffic for LIRA from PN1 / PS1 on VALMA 4F / 3H / 4G and ESINO 4F / 3H / 4G, descending to FL COO/230 Kts with spacing as required by TN COO.
Transfers inb traffic to AEM in the East Trombone, typically before the VAKAB waypoint, descending to 6000 ft/220 Kts or the next available level. When requested by TN COO/AR COO, based on current conditions, ensures a minimum spacing of 6 NM (or greater if specified). Vertical separation is not required if spacing is 9 NM or greater.
For non-RNAV 1 arrivals, transfers traffic to AEM before CMP, ensuring timely transfer to allow authorization/instruction for independent instrument approach procedures or radar vectoring.
Transfers to TW1 arrivals on LAT 3B or MOPUV 3B at GOKBA, descending to FL120/230 Kts with a minimum spacing of 9 NM (or as required by TN COO based on current conditions).
Manages arrivals that execute a missed approach for ILS RWY16L as follows:
The aircraft will follow the assigned missed approach procedure, and following coordination with TN COO:
and then transferred to AEM once clear of conflicts.
For RWY33 at LIRA:
Sets up the sequence and clears traffic for the instrument approach procedure;
Manages departures from LIRA via OST 8E, transferring them in the climb to FL80 (6000 ft with QNH below 977 hPa) to:
The airspace up to FL80 (6000 ft if QNH is below 977 hPa) within the area defined by the points OST – ESATU – MEDAL – OST is available to PN1 for aircraft departing via SOVAN, NENIG, and XENOL.
AET recievs from PN1/PS1 traffic inbound LIRF along the STARs VALMA 3D, ESINO 3D, descending to FL COO/230 Kts with a spacing of no less than 6 NM or as requested by TN COO.
AET recievs from PN1/PS1 traffic inbound LIRA along the STARs VALMA 4F / 3H / 4G and ESINO 4F / 3H / 4G, descending to FL COO/230 Kts with the spacing requested by TN COO.
AET transfers inbound traffic entering the eastern downwind to AEM, typically before NIBUG, descending to 6000 ft/220 Kts or at subsequent free levels. When requested by TN COO/AR COO, based on the current situation, PN1 ensures a spacing of no less than 6 NM (or greater if requested). For spacing of 9 NM or more, vertical separation is not required.
For non-RNAV 1 aircraft, AET transfers traffic to AEM before the RATIR point, in time to allow AEM to instruct aircraft to perform the approach procedure
AET transfers traffic to the PS1 sector along STARs LAT 3D / MOPUV 3D at RF463, descending to FL90/230 Kts with a spacing of no less than 6 NM (or as requested by AR COO).
AET manages aircraft performing a missed approach on ILS RWY 34R as follows:
The aircraft will follow the assigned missed approach procedure, and upon coordination with TN COO:
and once clear of conflicts, will be transferred to AEM.
For RWY33 at LIRA:
Sets up the sequence and clears traffic and hands off traffic to AEM in a timely manner to recieve the approach clearance;
Manages departures from LIRA via OST 8E, transferring them in the climb to FL80 (6000 ft with QNH below 977 hPa) to:
Arrival sectors mainly serve the director function for LIRF.
They consist of modules AWL and AEM, which can be combined based on the traffic demand for LIRF/LIRA.
Therefore, the AWL and AEM Sectors, depending on current or anticipated traffic and the type of procedures in use at LIRF (IPA or DPA), can be opened separately or merged. If merged, the AEM sector is usually the master.
Spacing between consecutive arrivals are to be applied according to the following table:
16L/34R 3NM
16R/34L 8NM
Within 10NM from final, spacing on RWY16L/34R can be reduced to 2.5NM.
Assigns specific routings and/or vectoring to traffic dest LIRF with the purpose of refining the sequence of arrivals.
Completes the sequencing set by AEM.