Venezia Tower is responsible for all the traffic within the ATZ and the CTR (both class D), the upper limit of these airspace is 1500 ft.
To the east, south and west of the CTR LIPZ is protected by the Padova CTA with lower limit 1500ft, below the CTA the airspace is G, to the south Venezia Lido Airport (LIPV) is controlled by an AFIU.
North of the CTR is Treviso Airport (LIPH) and its CTR.
Runway 04R is preferred for takeoffs and landings up to 10 kts of tailwind.
LIPZ does not have a preferential traffic pattern, it can be either left or right. The tower controller shall assign it tactically based on the position of the aircraft and the traffic volume.
Handoff: Departures shall be handed off to the appropriate sector as soon as practicable.
Spacing: Departures shall be separated by 5 NM or wake turbulence separation, whichever is greater.
A departing aircraft must not be authorized for takeoff if an arriving aircraft has passed the 5 NM gate
In the case of consecutive arrivals, if the arriving aircraft has passed the 9 NM gate the departing aircraft shall be instructed to an immediate departure.
The minimum radar separation between arrivals is 9 NM for runway 04R and 10 NM for runway 22L, separation may be reduced to 5 NM in case of consecutive arrivals after coordination with tower.
Upon vacating aircraft shall be instructed to follow this flow:
In case of missed approach Venice Tower shall inform Padova immediately and hand over the misap tag.
After a go-around the next departure is always held for release unless otherwise coordinated with the sector above.
LIPZ ATZ and CTR contain the following VRPs:
Valecenter | PZN2 |
Mestre Nord | PZN1 |
Marano | PZW2 |
Porto di Malamocco | PZS3 |
Venezia / Lido AD | PZS2 |
Ca’ Savio | PZS1 |
Lido di Jesolo | PZE1 |
VFR flights departing LIPZ shall be instructed to turn to the assigned exit VRP after departure, these can be:
Aircraft flying to PZS1 below 1500ft shall be handed over to Lido Information (LIPV_I_TWR) or to Padova Information (after proper coordination with LIPV).
Aircraft leaving the CTR northbound via PZN2 or PZN1 shall be handed over to Treviso Radar or Padova Information, if flying to Treviso Airport (after proper coordination) aircraft can be handed over directly to Treviso Tower to fly via PZN2 then direct to LIPH.
Arrivals from the north shall be instructed to proceed to PZN2, while from the south to PZS1 and then join either left or right downwind.
In case of delays for arriving VFR aircraft, orbits can be assigned on downwind or over PZS1 and PZN2
Given the position of the airport, VFR traffic from the north may request to cross overhead to reach LIPV or the coastline and vice-versa (routing PZN2 - LIPV or PZN2 - PZS1). The tower controller must ensure there is proper separation with arriving IFR aircraft before issuing a crossing clearance and must not clear an aircraft to cross overhead while an aircraft is cleared for take-off.
In case of high traffic on the ILS the controller shall inform the VFR pilot with the estimated delay, the pilot will then decide to either orbit or find an alternative routing.
The routing PZW2 / PZW4 - PZS3 is also quite common in the Venice CTR, the responsibility of this overflight can be delegated to Padova Radar.
Overflying of the city of Venice is to be avoided below 3000 ft
Helicopters of the Polizia di Stato, Guardia di Finanza and Vigili del Fuoco flying under VFR can be authorized to depart via taxiway K, coordination shall be made with the ground controller to prevent collisions between departing helicopters and taxiing aircraft. Furthermore take-off clearance with IFR departures and / or arrivals for runway 04R / 22L in progress shall only be issued with instructions to fly northbound towards PZN2.
Operator | Callsign |
Guardia di Finanza | VOLPE |
Vigili del Fuoco | DRAGO |
Polizia di Stato | POLI |
HEMS Helicopters flying to the city of Venice may require to cross the 04R extended centreline routing from PZN1 or PZW2 directly to the Jona Hospital, in case of IFR flights on the ILS the tower controller shall instruct the helicopter to orbit over these two VRPs until it is safe to cross.