Linate Tower is responsible for RWY 35/17 and all traffic inside Linate ATZ and CTR from GND to 2000ft, Linate CTR is surrounded by G airspace and is protected by the Milano TMA above 2000 ft.
Runway 35 is preferential up to 7KT of tailwind component.
Spacing: Departures shall be separated by 6 NM or wake turbulence separation, whichever is greater.
Handoffs: Departures shall be handed off to the appropriate sector as soon as practicable.
Handoffs shall be made to the following facilities:
ICP via | Handoff to |
SRN | ANW or if offline ANE |
In case LAR is not online all departures via TOVSA shall be handed off to ADE.
In high traffic situations Tower shall aim at alternating departures based on the assigned ICP, to do so the Tower controller shall use intermediate holding positions BS1 and T2.
In case a traffic is lined up on the runway and another is on final, the former must commence its takeoff roll before the latter has passed the 3 NM gate
In case of missed approach Milano Radar shall be notified immediately and traffic handed over with the MISAP tag. Traffic executing a missed approach is handed over to:
After a go-around all departures to ABSEM and TOVSA are held for release by Milano Radar
Standard traffic pattern in Linate is to the east of the field.
Linate ATZ and CTR contain the following VRPs:
Lambrate | MLNW1 |
Rozzano | MLW1 |
Rogoredo | MLW2 |
Spino D’Adda | MLE1 |
Idroscalo | MLE2 |
Departing VFR flights from Linate shall leave the CTR via the following mandatory routes:
In high traffic situations it is advisable to instruct aircraft to orbit over Rozzano and Spino D’Adda
Idroscalo coincides with the downwind of runway 35, aircraft can be instructed to orbit over it instead of orbiting on downwind
Helicopters are frequent flyers in Linate, you can expect them to park either at the west apron or on taxiway L. The Tower controller shall always confirm if helicopters intend to depart via the helipad on taxiway L or via the runway, traffic departing via the runway can be handled as any fixed wing.
Rotaries departing from the helipad must not be cleared for takeoff while an aircraft is in the takeoff roll on the runway
Arriving helicopters can either: